30 September 2022 to 1 October 2022
Asia/Seoul timezone

Stability version of Dirac's theorem and its applications for generalized Turán problems

1 Oct 2022, 11:45
Contributed talk Session 3


Nika Salia (IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group)


In 1952, Dirac proved that every $2$-connected $n$-vertex graph with the minimum degree $k+1$ contains a cycle of length at least $\min\{n, 2(k+1)\}$. Here we obtain a stability version of this result by characterizing those graphs with minimum degree $k$ and circumference at most $2k+1$.

We present applications of the above-stated result by obtaining generalized Tur\'an numbers.
In particular, for all $\ell \geq 5$ we determine how many copies of a five-cycle as well as four-cycle are necessary to guarantee that the graph has a circumference larger than $\ell$.
In addition, we give new proof of Luo's Theorem for cliques using our stability result.

Primary authors

Mr Zhu Xiutao ( Nanjing University) Ervin Győri Zhen He Mr Lv Zequn Nika Salia (IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group) Ms Xiao Chuanqi

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