July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Scientific Program

전응진: Beyond the Standard Model

  1. Basic features of Standard Model
  2. Symmetries of SM and its extensions: massive neutrinos
  3. Electroweak precision ad Beyond Standard Model: rho parameter and custodial symmetry.
  4. Two Higgs Doublet Model: dark matter
  5. Chiral symmetry and QCD effective theory
  6. U(1)_A problem and strong CP problem
  7. PQ mechanism and axions.
    (Reference) Reviews of PDG https://pdg.lbl.gov/

박종철: 암흑물질 우주론

  1. Very Short Summary of the Standard Model
  2. Observational Evidence of Dark Matter
  3. Relic Abundance of Dark Matter
  4. Direct Detection of Dark Matter - Target particle recoil
  5. Indirect Detection of Dark Matter - Cosmic rays
  6. Direct Production of Dark Matter - Collider
  7. New Approaches

1. https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.04909 --> History
2. https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.07364 --> General w/ Models
3. https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.01987 --> General
4. https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03026 --> Direct Detection
5. https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.07915 --> Direct Detection
6. https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05137 --> Indirect Detection
7. https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.02029 --> Indirect Detection
8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02696 --> Indirect Detection (Extension of 6)
9. https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.04727 --> Cosmology

"Axion searches"
1. Overview of axion physics
2. Current status of axion physics
3. Experimental searches on axion
4. Astrophysical searches on axion
5. Cosmological searches on axion

1. https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.02669 - overview 1
2. https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.05029 - overview 2
3. https://pdg.lbl.gov/2023/web/viewer.html?file=../reviews/rpp2022-rev-axions.pdf - current status 1
4. https://cajohare.github.io/AxionLimits/ - current status 2
5. https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.08127 - searches for axions 1
6. Georg G. Raffelt, “Stars as laboratories for fundamental physics: The astrophysics of neutrinos, axions, and other weakly interacting particles” (open-source: https://wwwth.mpp.mpg.de/members/raffelt/mypapers/Stars.pdf) - searches for axions 2


  1. Introduction to Machine Learning
  2. Classification using neural networks
  3. Generative models and density estimation: normalizing flows and diffusion models
    review: 1908.09257, 1912.02762
  4. Example: mapping dark matter density of the Milky Way from its stellar distribution
    review: 2305.13358

General references:
David Shih's TASI lecture: https://sites.google.com/colorado.edu/tasi-2022-wiki/lecture-topics?authuser=0
HEP ML Living review: https://iml-wg.github.io/HEPML-LivingReview/