Liquid Scintillator Counter at Yemilab

3 Jun 2024, 14:30
Science and Culture Center (IBS)

Science and Culture Center


IBS Science and Culture Center 2nd floor, IBS, Daejeon


Eunil Won (Korea University)


In September 2022, a new underground laboratory, Yemilab, was finally completed in Jeongseon, Gangwon Province, with a depth of 1,000 m and an exclusive experimental area spanning 3,000 m^3. The tunnel is encased in limestone and accommodates 17 independent experimental spaces. Among
them, Yemilab includes a cylindrical pit with a volume of approximately 6,300 m^3, designed as a multipurpose laboratory for next-generation experiments involving neutrinos, dark matter, and related research.
We discuss physical potential and R&D strategy for a future program
at this site.

Primary author

Eunil Won (Korea University)

Presentation materials