BSM probes from stars

Jun 3, 2024, 11:40 AM
Science and Culture Center (IBS)

Science and Culture Center


IBS Science and Culture Center 2nd floor, IBS, Daejeon


Seokhoon Yun (IBS-CTPU)


Stars can be used as a valuable source for investigating new physics beyond the Standard Model, particularly light and feebly-interacting particles such as axions and dark photons. Among the various types of stars, supernovae and the Sun could be one of the most relevant objects for these searches, given their neutrino signals detected in experiments. In this talk, I will provide an overview of some approaches to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model, as implied by neutrino detection from supernovae and the Sun.

Primary author

Seokhoon Yun (IBS-CTPU)

Presentation materials