November 25, 2024
IBS, Theory Building
Asia/Seoul timezone

Precision Frontier from Nuclear Decay

Nov 25, 2024, 10:50 AM
B438 (IBS, Theory Building)


IBS, Theory Building


Dr Jeongsu Ha (CENS)


Nuclear decay has been utilized for decades to study weak interaction and structure of
nuclei. In particular, it has served as a probe of New Physics through a high-precision
measurement for the coefficient of - angular correlation, Fierz interference term, and
asymmetry. Combining the precision frontier with the high-energy one from LHC constrains the coupling of exotic weak current at per-mil level, which is equivalent to a hypothetical TeV-mass particle search. The unitarity test of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix is another exemplar of the crossroad of two frontiers. Here we have focused on the extraction of |V ud |, which can be obtained directly from the -decay properties of nuclei. A recent experiment at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory aiming to measure the branching ratio of 10 C superallowed decay will be presented.

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