Chang Hyon Ha
(Institute for Basic Science)
25/05/2017, 14:30
A high-sensitivity ionization detector for measuring alpha particles in a laminar sample has been operating in the Yangyang underground laboratory.
The alpha counter is used to assay detector materials, especially their surface contamination, for the COSINE dark matter experiment and the AMoRE double beta decay experiment.
Using distinct rise time, this instrument describes characteristic...
Pia Loaiza
25/05/2017, 14:30
The SuperNemo experiment is looking for neutrinoless double beta decay using the combination of tracking and calorimeter techniques. The aim of SuperNemo is to achieve a sensitivity for the neutrinoless double-beta decay half-life of 10 y and Majorana mass scales ~ 50- 100 meV.
The first module of SuperNemo which is under construction, will contain 7kg of Se as 2 0 ...
Gowoon Kim
(Center for Underground Physic, IBS / Ewha Womans University)
25/05/2017, 14:30
In the Y2L underground laboratory, a newly developed ultra low background Array of 14 HPGe detectors has been recently installed and is currently operating. To register single and coincidence spectra of all the detectors it was necessary to develop a dedicated DAQ system and analysis software. The low radioactive background of the Array can be exploited to perform not only high sensitivity...
Ali Dastgheibi Fard
25/05/2017, 14:30
The Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) is located 1700 m (4800 m.w.e) below Fréjus peak (Alpes chain) mountain in the middle of the Fréjus tunnel between France/Italy. The LSM is a multi-disciplinary platform for the experiments requiring low radioactivity environment. Several experiments in Particle and Astroparticle Physics, low-level of High Purity of Germanium gamma ray spectrometry,...
Krzysztof Pelczar
(Jagiellonian University/Institute of Physics)
25/05/2017, 14:30
Noble (argon, xenon) or inert (nitrogen) gases are extensively
utilized in experiments looking for rare nuclear events at low
energies, for which reduction of backgrounds is crucial. Highly
radio-pure detectors (e.g. HPGe diodes in LAr, LAr/LXe TPCs) are in
direct contact with the gases, being exposed to the intrinsic
impurities during assembly, handling and operation. Therefore...
Olga Gileva
(Center for Underground Physics, IBS)
25/05/2017, 14:30
The AMoRE (Advanced Mo based Rare process Experiment) is searching for neutrinoless double beta (0ѵββ) decay of 100Mo using radiopure molybdate-based crystals. 100Mo is one of the favorite isotopes in searches for 0ѵββ decay due to high energy release, Qββ=3034 keV and quite large natural abundance, 9.82%. Since there are no commercially available molybdenum compounds with required purity...
Bela Majorovits
(MPI für Physik)
25/05/2017, 14:30
Polyethylene Naphtalate (PEN) is a mechanically very favorable polymer. Earlier it was found that thin foils made from PEN can have very high radio-purity, if compared to other commercially available foils. In fact, PEN is already in use for low background signal transmission applications (cables). Recently it has been realized that PEN also has favorable scintillating properties.
Kyungmin Seo
25/05/2017, 14:30
It is very important to monitor the amount of radon (Rn-222) in the underground experiments such as rare decay and dark matter experiments with ultra low background requirements. The radioactivity from the radon can be a significant background source to the experiments and need to be measured precisely. We have upgraded a radon detector with a volume of ~70 L which was used in the KIMS (Korean...
Joseph Street
(South Dakota School of Mines)
25/05/2017, 14:30
Rare event searches work very hard to identify and procure radiopure materials for detector components. These components may be contaminated after manufacture with long-lived Pb, produced by the decay of atmospheric radon. We will show how the rate of radon daughter plateout can vary by orders of magnitude due to various environmental factors including material type, surface...
(center for underground physics, IBS)
25/05/2017, 14:30
The COSINE collaboration has developed low-background NaI crystals for searching for dark matter. The sensitivity of the experiment is limited by the radioactive background inside the crystal. Therefore, purification of raw powder is essential to grow the low-background of NaI crystal. Recrystallization method is one of the purification technique of powder based on different solubility at...
Elena Sala
(CUP - Institute for Basic Science)
25/05/2017, 14:30
The YangYang underground Laboratory (Y2L) has a dedicated facility, managed by CUP, for the low background gamma spectroscopy measurements with High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors. Three detectors are currently operating: two 100% relative efficiency p-type and one well-type HPGe detector. The radioactive background of all these instruments have been improved with dedicated shieldings and...
Eric Miller
(South Dakota School of Mines)
25/05/2017, 14:30
Material screening for identifying low-energy electron emitters and alpha-decaying isotopes is now a prerequisite for rare-event searches (e.g., dark-matter direct detection and neutrinoless double-beta decay) for which surface radiocontamination has become an increasingly important background. The BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, is a proposed ultra-sensitive (and...