The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University has recently commenced operation and delivered first radioactive ion beams to its users [1, 2]. Besides its portfolio of fast, stopped, and re-accelerated beams, isotope-harvesting techniques are being developed to exploit isotopes that are otherwise lost to the beam dump [3]. The study of radioactive molecules receives increasing attention due to their enhanced sensitivity to fundamental symmetry violations and Beyond Standard Model physics [4].
In this contribution, we introduce the FRIB-EDM3-instrument which is currently under construction. The setup was designed to study polar radioactive molecules (like RaF) in transparent cryogenic solids by laser spectroscopy with the EDM3-method [5]. The efficient ionization of harvested radioisotopes from aqueous phase is pursued with a spray-ionization method [6]. Subsequently, the molecular ion beam is analyzed by mass-to-charge ratio by a quadrupole mass filter and neutralized in a charge-exchange cell before its implantation in a solid argon matrix. We will present the design of the instrument and report on the progress of its construction.
[1] J. Wei et al., International Journal of Modern Physics E 28, 1930003 (2019)
[2] https://frib.msu.edu/news/2022/frib-ribbon-cutting.html
[3] E.P. Abel et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46, 100501 (2019)
[4] N.R. Hutzler et al. (2020), 10.48550/ARXIV.2010.08709
[5] A.C. Vutha et al. (2018), 10.48550/ARXIV.1806.06774
[6] R.T. Kelly et al., Mass Spectrometry Reviews 29, 294 (2010)