High-resolution collinear laser spectroscopy has been recently performed on a long sequence
of tin (Z=50) and lead (Z = 82) isotopes at COLLAPS/CERN. Hyperfine structures and isotope
shifts have been measured and high-precision values of electromagnetic moments and charge
radii of ground and isomeric states are extracted. Similar quadratic trends are observed for
the quadrupole moments of the 11/2- and 13/2+ isomeric states in the semi-magic nuclei. The
picture is not the same for the ground states where the pattern changes from linear, in tin, to
quadratic, in lead. Differences in charge radii between the high-spin isomeric states and the
nuclear ground states, on the other hand, also show a surprisingly similar behaviour. These
regularities will be discussed in the framework of nuclear structure with emphasis on how,
under certain conditions, simplicity arises out of complexity.