Studies of sub-atomic bound systems with hyperons and an mesons can provide essential information on the fundamental baryonic interaction and the origin of the mass. They can be studied by employing energetic heavy ion beams and proton beams above 2 A GeV. For these studies, the precision for measuring ejectiles moving to the very forward directions and other associated particles from the...
A unique feature of thorium-229 is its isomeric first excited state with an exceptionally low excitation energy, proposed as a candidate for future nuclear optical clocks [1]. The small nuclear moments are expected to outperform the accuracy of current state-of-the-art atomic clocks by about an order of magnitude [2]. The current best values of the excitation energy are 8.28(17) eV and...
RI Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science provides various RI beams from 238U 345 MeV/u primary beam. Here we report the new experimental results on high-Z beam production. The ionization chamber (IC) for energy-loss measurement is an essential detector for deducing the atomic number (Z) in flight in the BigRIPS spectrometer to identify the particles. The...