Commissioning of the in-flight separator system ARIS began in early 2022 at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University. The system consists of up to three stages of achromatic separation and can deliver beams to various experimental stations for nuclear and astrophysics studies, as well as other societal needs. In-flight products are generated with beams from a...
With over five decades of experience in the production of accelerator-based secondary particles for science, TRIUMF ensures that Canada remains on the leading edge of supplying radioisotopes, neutrons, photons, and muons enabling fundamental science in the fields of nuclear, particle and astrophysics, as well as solid state and medical sciences and applications.
ISAC-TRIUMF is the only...
The Super Separator Spectrometer S3 [1] is, with the NFS (Neutrons For Science) facility, a major experimental system developed for SPIRAL2. It is designed for very low cross section experiments at low (<15MeV/u) energy. It will receive the very high intensity (more than 1pµA) stable ion beams accelerated by the superconducting LINAG accelerator of SPIRAL2. S3 will be notably used for the...