Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Novel Studies of Nucleosynthesis in the Lab

Sep 22, 2023, 2:00 PM
Invited Nuclear properties for astrophysics Nuclear properties for astrophysics


Kelly CHIPPS (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


A variety of nucleosynthesis processes operate in our universe, producing elements across the nuclear chart. Using a range of tools and techniques, we can probe the nuclear reactions that comprise these processes. In explosive rp-process environments, direct reactions are possible using gaseous targets such as JENSA, with input from indirect techniques such as transfer reactions on both stable and radioactive isotopes. The role of long-lived isomeric states in rp-process nuclei, just as in 26Al, is beginning to be studied experimentally using beams of mixed ground state and isomer content, with indirect studies underway to populate the nuclear levels of interest, and direct measurements with SECAR planned. In supernovae, the mechanisms producing the rare p-process nuclei are being studied using monoenergetic gamma beams at the HIgS facility at TUNL. In this talk, I will provide a brief survey of these different experimental campaigns, and discuss the preliminary results and future directions.

Primary author

Kelly CHIPPS (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

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