Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC) is the most important international meeting in the field of nuclear astrophysics. It brings together nuclear experimentalists, nuclear theorists, astronomers, theoretical astrophysicists, cosmo-chemists, and others interested in the scientific questions at the interface of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions concern, for example, the origin of the elements in the cosmos and the nuclear reactions that occur in the Big Bang, in stars, and in stellar explosions.

The NIC 2023 abstract submission is closed now (deadline: Wednesday, May 31).

Discussion Topics

  • Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances
  • The s-process
  • Nuclear properties for astrophysics
  • High-density matter
  • Novae and X-ray bursts
  • Type Ia supernova and the p-process
  • Core-collapse supernovae, mergers and the r-process
  • Underground nuclear astrophysics
  • The early universe
  • Galactic evolution
  • Radioactivity and meteorites
  • Stellar modelling
  • Others (new facilities, instruments, tools, etc)


The school for NIC XVII for graduate students and young postdocs will be held at the Institute for Basic Science, Sep. 11-15. The school will provide lectures on basics and the current subjects in nuclear astrophysics, from theories to experiments and observations. 

In addition, the NIC-XVII Pre-workshop will be held from September 15-16, 2023 at Dasom Hall (Room #19105) in the Computer Science building (Cheon san gwan) at Soongsil University in Seoul, Korea. The workshop will involve discussions on various topics in (nuclear) astrophysics, astronomy, cosmological chemistry, and other related fields, fostering a relatively informal and open environment.


NIC XVII is organized by the Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS) and the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) at Institute for Basic Science. NIC XVII is also supported by Korean institutions and the international research centers in the world.