Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone


Registration and payment method

Please visit
and follow the instructions on the external website.

Please read the below registration information before your registraion! 

Registration fee

Standard - Early (May. 15 - Jul. 31) :  450 USD / 600,000 KRW

Standard (Aug. 1 - Sep. 10) : 550 USD / 750,000 KRW

Student (May. 15 - Sep. 10) : 300 USD / 400,000 KRW


Registration benefits for participants

Welcome Reception (Sun, Sep. 17)

Scientific Sessions 

Poster Session

Coffee Breaks

Excursion to RAON facility and Jeonju Hanok Village (Wed, Sep. 20)

Banquet (Thu, Sep. 21)


Cancellations and Refunds

Please contact LOC for this request.