Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Radioactive Decay Lines from the Milky Way - the Pathways of Stellar Ejecta

Sep 19, 2023, 11:00 AM
Invited Galactic evolution The early Universe, galactic evolution


Martin KRAUSE (University of Hertfordshire)


Soft gamma ray lines from radioactive decay
of 26Al and 60Fe as well as annihilation of positrons have been
observed from the Milky Way. The respective emission contains information
about the ejecta of supernovae, massive-star winds and possibly winds related to neutron stars and
black holes. The distinct spatial structure of the different lines allows
to trace the flow of the ejecta through the interstellar medium.
We have modelled these processes with 3D hydrodynamic simulations.
We find that a large fraction of the massive star ejecta leaves their immediate
surroundings quickly, likely in large superbubble structures, and may even
diffuse into the Galactic halo on the decay timescale of 26Al (~1 Myr).
I will discuss our simulaton results and prospects of the upcoming
NASA mission COSI to trace nucleosynthesis ejecta in the interstellar medium.

Primary author

Martin KRAUSE (University of Hertfordshire)


Presentation materials