Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Nuclear Astrophysics at the Notre Dame Nuclear Science Lab

Sep 20, 2023, 9:30 AM
Invited Others (new facilities, instruments, tools, etc) New facilities, instruments and tools


Dan BARDAYAN (University of Notre Dame)


There is a distinguished history of nuclear astrophysics research at the Notre Dame Nuclear Science Lab (NSL). This has been fostered by University investment and strong support from the National Science Foundation. The NSL provides the research base for some 20 Notre Dame faculty members and approximately 35 graduate students as well as supporting the research programs of a number of external users. The laboratory hosts a number of unique facilities and instruments that help facilitate astrophysical research such as the St. George recoil separator coupled to the high-intensity 5U accelerator, the worlds-only triple solenoid in-flight radioactive beam facility, and one of only three operating Enge split-pole spectrometers in the U.S. The NSL maintains three on-site accelerators, which can operate simultaneously and continuously as well as the only underground nuclear accelerator in the U.S. at the SURF facility in South Dakota. The current research program at the NSL will be presented along with plans for future instrument upgrades and additions.

Research supported by the National Science Foundation grant NSF PHY-2011890 and the University of Notre Dame.

Primary author

Dan BARDAYAN (University of Notre Dame)

Presentation materials