Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Optical properties of magneto-rotaional jet-driven supernovae associated with r-process nucleosynthesis

Sep 21, 2023, 10:15 AM
Oral Core-collapse supernovae, mergers and the r-process Core-collapse supernovae, mergers and the r-process




Magnetorotational-driven supernovae (MRNSe) are a peculiar type of core-collapse SNe. Their progenitors are fast-rotating massive stars with strong magnetic fields and they are candidates for the central engine of hypernovae and gamma-ray bursts. They are also expected to be astronomical sites for the r-process, as they have a different explosion mechanism from regular SNe. MRSNe may have very neutron-rich ejecta suitable for the r-process due to the strong effect of the jet-driven explosion. In studies of galactic chemical evolution, MRSNe are expected to be additional r-process sources because they have different frequencies and delay times from neutron-star mergers. Although some observations suggest jet-like SNe, the occurrence of r-process nucleosynthesis has never been directly confirmed. In this presentation, we focus on the effect of r-process nucleosynthesis in MRSNe on possible observational properties in SN light curves. The r-process occurring in the central region of the SN provide different opacity and heating sources compared to canonical core-collapse SNe. We quantitatively investigate the effects of r-process elements and ${}^{56}{\rm Ni}$ abundances on the light curves based on a series of radiative hydrodynamics simulations. We confirm that the influence of the r-process is not significant for all models, which is consistent with the fact that we have not still identified r-process elements in SNe. However, there are some models where the existence of r-process elements can be observationally confirmed by current high presicition obervations (e.g., JWST) and future telescopes.

Primary author


Kyohei KAWAGUCHI (University of Tokyo) Masaomi TANAKA (Tohoku University) Nanae DOMOTO (Tohoku University) Sei SAITO (Tohoku University) Tatsuki HASEGAWA (Tohoku University)

Presentation materials