Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution

Sep 19, 2023, 5:00 PM


Grant MATHEWS (University of Notre Dame)


The origin and evolution of heavy elements in nature are not yet fully understood. THis talk will overview the current status of models for both the formation of both r-process and nu-p-process elements. We summarize recent state-of the art developments of supernova and binary neutron star evolution in the context of both the r-process and p-process nucleosynthesis. In particular, we highlight two recent recent works detailing the emerging evidence for the important role of hypernovae (energetic supernovae) and collapsars (jets from the collapse of massive stars to a black hole). These studies illuminate how such events may play a key role in the origin and early evolution of explosive heavy-element nucleosynthesis.

Primary author

Grant MATHEWS (University of Notre Dame)


Dr Hirokazu SASAKI (NAOH) Toshitaka KAJINO (Beihang Univ./NAOJ/Univ. of Tokyo) Dr Yuta YAMAZAKI (NAOJ)

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