Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

Impact of the excited- and bound-state $\beta$-decays of $^{63}$Ni on weak $\textit{s}$-process nucleosynthesis [1]

Sep 19, 2023, 5:50 PM
Poster Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances Poster session (Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances)


Mr Xinxu WANG (Beihang University, China)


Although about 90$\%$ and 50$\%$ of the solar-system Cu and Zn abundances are presumed to originate from the slow neutron-capture process (weak $\textit{s}$-process) during core He and shell C burning in massive stars, their stellar conditions are still poor known. This is because $^{63}$Ni (t$_{1/2}$=101.2$\pm$1.5yr) takes the key as a bottleneck for the synthesis of these nuclei in the $\textit{s}$-process branching: At high temperature, the $\beta$-decays from the excited states make a remarkable contribution. On the other hand, at low temperature and high density, the bound-state $\beta$-decays are important for highly ionized atoms when the transition energy is small. For these reasons many shell model calculations using different Hamiltonians were devoted to calculate excited-state $\beta$-decays, and both excited- and bound-state $\beta$-decay effects were studied in gross theory [2]. The calculated half-lives are unfortunately different from one another. In order to assess the significance of these effects, we carry out, for the first time, the $\textit{s}$-process nucleosynthesis calculations using all nuclear models of $\beta$-decays in a 25$M_{\odot}$ star with solar metallicity [1].
Firstly, we study the competition between $^{63}$Ni($\beta^{-}\bar{\upsilon}$)$^{63}$Cu vs. $^{63}$Ni(n,$\gamma$)$^{64}$Ni by taking account of the both effects to clarify the main nuclear flow paths [1]. We find that $^{63}$Cu and $^{64}$Ni change by 7$\%$ in abundance, $^{64}$Zn changes by more than 20$\%$, $^{65}$Cu and $^{66-68}$Zn change by 6$\%$, and all the other stable nuclei A = 69 – 90 change systematically by 5$\%$ at the mass coordinate $M_{r}=2M_{\odot}$ before the onset of the core Si burning, which depends strongly on the nuclear models [2]. We, secondly, confirm that although the $\beta$-decay half-life of $^{63}$Ni$^{28+}$ changes by more than 35$\%$ at T = 0.3 GK due to the effect of bound-state $\beta$-decay, abundance change of stable nuclei proves to be less than 3$\%$ [1]. These new quantitative results show the significance of future experimental measurement of the excited-state $\beta$-decays, in particular of $^{63}$Ni, and the microscopic nuclear model calculations of both excited-state and bound-state $\beta$-decays.

[1] Xinxu Wang, B. Sun, D. Fang, Z. He, M. Kusakabe, T. Kajino, Z. Niu, et al. (2023), to be submitted.
[2] K. Takahashi, K. Yokoi, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 36, 375 (1987).

Primary author

Mr Xinxu WANG (Beihang University, China)


Prof. Baohua SUN (Beihang Univ.) Prof. Dongliang FANG (Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of sciences) Prof. Motohiko KUSAKABE (Beihang University) Prof. Toshitaka KAJINO (Beihang Univ./NAOJ/Univ. of Tokyo) Mr Zhenyu HE (Beihang University) Prof. Zhongming NIU (Anhui University, China)

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