Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

The COREA experiment: measurement of 12C(α,𝛄)16O reactions with an active-target TPC

Sep 19, 2023, 6:30 PM
Poster Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances Poster session (Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances)


Shin Hyung KIM (Korea University)


The COREA (Carbon Oxygen Reaction Experiment with Active-target TPC) is an experiment to measure the precise cross-section of the 12C(α,𝛄)16O reaction in stellar nucleosynthesis. The reaction rate of 12C(α,𝛄)16O determines the 12C/16O abundance ratio in the universe and the entire scenario of the stellar nucleosynthesis after the helium burning up to the Fe core in the last years of stellar life. We are developing a novel detector system consisting of an active-target time projection chamber in a conduction-cooled superconducting magnet of the magnetic field up to 3 T and a LaBr3 gamma detector array. In this talk, we will present the status of the experiment and the development of the unique COREA detector system.

Primary author

Shin Hyung KIM (Korea University)


Prof. Jung Keun AHN (Korea University)

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