IBS-CTPU, PTC regular seminars will be on every Wednesday 3PM in our seminar room.
(Special dates are announced as RED text)
Previous seminar
seminar organizers
- Chang Sub Shin
- Tae Hyun Jung
- Zhuoni Qian
Date | Speaker | Contact person | Title |
Jan. 11 (Thursday) |
Prof. Mark Hindmarsh (Sussex U.) | Gravitational waves from phase transitions in the early Universe | |
Jan. 17 | Mr. Jae Hyeok Chang (Stony Brook U.) | 1987A Constraints on Low-Mass Dark Sectors | |
Feb. 7 | Dr. Junmou Chen (KIAS) | On the Feynman Rules of Massive Gauge Theory on Physical Gauges | |
Mar. 7 | Dr. Jinsu Kim (KIAS-QUC) | A possible link between inflation and dark matter | |
Mar. 14 (4pm) |
Prof. Amnon Aharony (Ben-Gurion U. of the Negev) | Colloquium | Spin orbit interactions, time reversal symmetry and spin filtering |
Mar. 21 | Prof. Seyong Kim (Sejong U.) | Lattice Calculation of Thermal Averaged Sommerfeld Factor | |
Mar. 28 | Dr. Ryo Nagai (Tohoku U.) | Sum rules for extended electroweak symmetry breaking sectors | |
Apr. 11 (10:30am) | Dr. Jeong-Pyong Hong (SNU) | Inflaton fragmentation in E-models of cosmological $alpha$-attractors | |
Apr. 18 | Dr. Dibyakrupa Sahoo (Yonsei U.) | Prediction of the CP asymmetry $C_{00}$ in $B^0 \to D^0 \overline{D}^0$ decay | |
Apr. 24 (Tuseday) |
Prof. Yuri Kivshar (Australian National U.) | Colloquium | Plasmonics: From materials to artificial colors and metasurfaces |
May. 2 | Dr. Naoya Kitajima (Nagoya U.) | Gravitational waves in string axiverse | |
May. 16 | Dr. Fang Ye (KAIST) | Leptogenesis in cosmological relaxation with particle production | |
May. 23 | Dr. Yohei Ema (KEK) | Electroweak vacuum metastability in inflationary unvierse | |
May. 24 (Thursday) |
Prof. Soonkeon Nam (Kyunghee U.) | Colloquium |
Machine that learns and searches for new particle and laws in physics |
May. 30 | Prof. Ki-Young Choi (SKKU) | Non-thermal WIMP baryogengesis | |
Jun. 14 (Thursday) |
Prof. Keith R. Dienes (Arizona U.) | Colloquium | Probing the String Landscape: Implications, Applications, and Altercations |
Jun. 27 | Dr. Martin Spinrath (NCTS Tsing-Hua U.) | Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter in a Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw Model | |
Jul. 12 (Thursday) | Dr. Devdatta Majumder (Kansas U., CERN) | Higgs bosons and b-tagging as tools for new physics searches at the CERN LHC | |
Jul. 13 (Friday) | Dr. Sung Hak Lim (KEK) | Spectral Analysis for Jet Substructure with Neural Network: Boosted Higgs Case | |
Aug. 24 (Friday) | Dr. David J. E. Marsh (University of G ̈ottingen) | Axion-like Particle Dark Matter & Small-scale Structure | |
Sep. 3 (Friday) | Mr. Cyril Lagger (University of Sydney) | Gravitational waves as a probe of fundamental physics | |
Sep. 5 | Prof. Ulrich Kuhl (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) | Colloquium | Investigating topological structures by microwave experiments with coupled dielectric reonator |
Oct. 4 (Thursday) | Dr. Hyunbae Park (KASI) | Recombination during the Epoch of Reionization | |
Oct. 10 (2:30pm) | Dr. Ke-Pan Xie (SNU) | Searching for the resonances of the Minimal Composite Higgs Model at the LHC | |
Oct. 10 (4pm) | Prof. Stefan Boettcher (Emory Univ.) |
Colloquium | Explaining slow relaxation in jammed materials and aging in terms of record fluctuations |
Oct. 17 | Prof. Kfir Blum (Weizmann In.) | Galactic Rotation Curves vs. Ultra-Light Dark Matter | |
Oct. 19 (Fri. 2:30) | Prof. Alexei Smirnov (MPIK) | Strange effects in neutrino oscillations | |
Nov. 13 (Tue. 2pm) | Dr. Biswajit Karmakar (PRL) | Dark side of the Seesaw | |
Nov. 14 | Dr. Soyoung Shim (KonKuk U.) | The fate of the Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity under 13 TeV LHC Data | |
Nov. 28 | Dr. Arnab Dasgupta (Seoul Tec.) | Revisiting some aspects in Baryogenesis | |
Dec. 3 (4pm) |
Prof. Hitoshi Murayama (U.C. Berkley) | Colloquium | |
Dec. 12 | Dr. Ligong Bian (CAU.) | Dynamical FIMP with phase transition and gravitational waves in the scotogenic model |