January 18, 2022 to January 17, 2023
Asia/Seoul timezone

IBS-CTPU, regular seminars will be on every Wednesday 3PM in our seminar room.   
(Special dates are announced as RED text)

Previous seminar 

seminar organizers 

  • Jai-Chan Hwang
  • Sang Hui Im
  • Seung-Joo Lee

 (*:To be confirmed) 

Date    Speaker Title
Jan. 26Eoin O Colgain (Sogang U.) Is the Hubble constant a constant?
Feb. 23Shuntaro Aoki (Chung-Ang U.) Inflation and Supersymmetry Breaking in Higgs-R^2 Supergravity
Mar. 02   
(4 pm)
Paul Oehlmann (Uppsala) F-theory on toroidal Orbifolds
Mar. 10Tae Sun Park (IBS-CENS) Effects of transient non-thermal particles on the lithium problem of BBN
Mar. 16   
(4 pm)
Dario Rosa (IBS-PCS) Operator delocalization in quantum networks
Mar. 30   
(10 am)
Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech) An introduction to decomposition
Apr. 6Han Gil Choi (SNU) Diffractive gravitational lensing of gravitational wave
Apr. 7Hyungjin Kim (DESY) Wave dark matter around the solar system
Apr. 13Naoya Kitajima (Tohoku U.) Towards a new scenario of QCD axion clump formation
Apr. 20       
(4 pm)
Thomas Van Riet (KU Leuven) Separating scales in Anti-de Sitter vacua?
Apr. 21Kanghoon Lee (APCTP) QFT from Recursions
May 4   Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) Polychronic Tunneling: New Tunneling Processes Experiencing Euclidean and Lorentzian Evolution Simultaneously
May 11   
(4 pm)
Peera Simakachorn (DESY) Primordial gravitational waves boosted by the axion
May 18 (10 am)Jae Hyeok Chang (Maryland U. and Johns Hopkins U.) Dark Solar Wind
May 25Chen Sun (Tel Aviv U.) Novel Astronomical Probes of Axions -- with baselines of Gpc, Mpc, and kpc
June 8    (4 pm)Shyam Balaji (Paris LPTHE) Improved stellar limits on a light CP-even scalar
June 15 (10 am)Lars Aalsma (UW Madison) Extremal Black Hole Corrections and the Weak Gravity Conjecture
June 22Daiki Ueda (Peking U) Entropy Constraints on Effective Field Theory
June 29 (4 pm)Markus Dierigl (LMU) IIB determined
July 20Sung Hak Lim (Rutgers U) Measuring Galactic Dark Matter through Unsupervised Machine Learning
July 27Kyoungchul Kong (U. of Kansas) Double Higgs Production at the HL-LHC
Aug 2   
(3 pm)
Shota Nakagawa (Tohoku U)  Cosmological effects of Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking on QCD axion dark matter
Aug 3-5  IBS-KMI joint workshop
Aug 8    
(3 pm)
Seokhoon Yun (Padova U) Dark gauge bosons in neutron stars
Aug 31Jong-Wan Lee (PNU) Composite dynamics in Sp(2N) gauge theories
Sep 7Tae Hyun Jung (KIAS) Primordial black hole formations in first-order phase transitions
Oct 26   
(4 pm)
Nils Albin Nisson (SYRTE, Paris Observatory and CQUeST) Generating Cosmological Anisotropies
Nov 2New CTPU members (in person) Welcome seminars
Nov 9Achamveedu Gopakumar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) (in person) International Pulsar Timing Array Consortium for Nano-Hertz GW Astronomy
Nov 16   
Anton Sokolov (U. of Liverpool) Electromagnetic couplings of axions
Nov 23  
Andreas Trautner (Heidelberg U.) Gauged neutrino self-interactions, the Hubble tension and a gamma ray burst
Nov 28-Dec 2IBS-ICTP-Multidark joint workshop (in person)  
Dec 7    (10 am)Miguel Montero (Harvard) The Dark Dimension


